Unitec Marae

Unitec Marae
The Marae at Unitec

Thursday 27 March 2008

My two TBS 2 classes

Well it's been very interesting looking at your blogs and reading your 'About Me's', we certainly have a diverse range of interesting and creative students. Some of you have created some great blog URLs, Andrei, Naz, Haru in Stream A and Choi, Aki, Theresa, K.D, Jessie and Audrey in Stream C.
Although we are all unique, we have many things in common with each other. Many of us like and or have pets either here in NZ or in our own countries including Naz, Amy, in Stream A and Aki and Choi in Stream B. Some of us however are not particularly fond of pets - Min and Franck in Stream A for example. But that's OK, we won't hold it against them;-) (Remember to double click on an word to check its meaning)
A few of you have worked either in New Zealand or in your own countries. Sunny was a flight attendant for Air New Zealand, Lera is a speech therapist and works in a kindergarten in Russia, Franck used to work for a telco in Senegal and Duu is a nurse in PNG. A few of you are lucky enough to have family and relatives here with you in New Zealand. Both K.D. and Sopeng in Stream C have brothers living in New Zealand.
You have a wide range of hobbies and sports feature highly among your hobbies. We even have a sports champion in our midst! Andrei is a keen wrestler and used to represent his country in competitions and is now on the New Zealand National team. But I don't think he's going to Beijing this year. Ally likes table tennis and Nataliya and Amy both like swimming. Football or soccer is also popular with Choi, Joey, Timmy Andrei being keen fans. I'm a little surprised that KD and Franck aren't football fans;-) Other hobbies apart from sports include gardening which both Sonia and Susan enjoy. Theresa and Choi both like playing computer games. Lots of you are interested in music, Jessie of course, Lera, Shahrzad, Amy, Naz, Sopheng and Aki. I wonder what sort of music you all like. You could put links on your blogs to your favourite bands' websites or examples of the kind of music you like. Walking is also a popular pastime with Sunny, Ally, Min, and Shahrzad. Why don't you get together during the break and go for a walk in the Waitaks.
One of us is quite entrepreneurial and makes jewellery for a hobby. she has even sold some of her creations on Trade Me. Well done!
Finally regarding future Andrei and Timmy would both like to join the police in the future which is really cool I think because we need more ethnic policemen and women in our police force.

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