Unitec Marae

Unitec Marae
The Marae at Unitec

Tuesday 13 March 2007

About Me

Hi everyone
My name is Mel and I'm the course co-ordinator for Text & Oral 2 here on the Diploma in English at Unitec.I am originally from the UK and have been in New Zealand for just over 7 years. I moved here with my Kiwi partner and our five cats, although they were quite old when we moved here and now sadly we only have 3.

I grew up in a small village called Constantine (here is a beautiful photo of the village from Flickr) near the old port of Falmouth in a beautiful somewhat isolated part of the UK at the south western tip of the country in the county of Cornwall.
Before I moved to New Zealand I lived in London, which is where I met my partner, for quite a long time. I have travelled a lot in Europe and been to four out of the five main English speaking countries. (Fuel stops in LA don't count!)
My Mum and Dad still live in Constantine and my younger sister lives near Frankfurt in Germany with her two children. You can see my neice in the photo of me above. I also have a younger brother who lives in Falmouth.
I am vegetarian and despite this, love food, eating and cooking;-) My other interests are reading, (good) music, walking, yoga, travelling ( not that I do much of that anymore!).

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